@database PointerEyes.guide @$VER: PointerEyes.guide 4.3 (14.11.95) @Author John Hughes @(c) 1995 John Hughes. All Rights Reserved. @Node Main "PointerEyes" @{b}Pointer Eyes 4.3@{ub} November 14, 1995 by: John Hughes johughes@heartland.bradley.edu Pointer Eyes 1995 John Hughes. All Rights Reserved.@{ub} @{" Author & Tech " Link "AUTHOR" } About the author and compiler. @{" PostcardWare " Link "CONTRIBUTIONS"} This is Postcardware. @{" Synopsis " Link "SYNOPSIS" } How to use Pointer Eyes. @{" Features " Link "FEATURES" } Features of Pointer Eyes. @{" Archive Contents " Link "CONTENTS" } What the files are. @{" Image files " Link "IMAGEFILES"} How to edit/add the image files @{" Screennotify.library " Link "SCREENNOT" } About screennotify.library. @{" Quiting Pointer Eyes " Link "QUITING" } How to quit the program. @{" Tooltypes " Link "TOOLTYPES" } Description of tooltypes. @{" Defaults " Link "DEFAULTS" } Default settings. @{" Source Code " Link "SOURCECODE"} About the supplied source code. @{" To Do " Link "TODO" } Future modifications to Pointer Eyes. @{" Bugs " Link "BUGS" } Bugs in Pointer Eyes. @{" History " Link "HISTORY" } Previous versions. @EndNode @Node "AUTHOR" "Author & Tech" @{b}About the author and other tid-bits.@{ub} Program: PointerEyes Version: 4.3 and 3.11 Date: November 14, 1995 Coded by: John Hughes Email: johughes@heartland.bradley.edu WWW: http://rhf.bradley.edu/~jhughes/ Compiled with: SAS/C 6.55 Machine: A4000 68EC030/25 AmigaDOS 3.1 Required: PointerEyes3.11 : AmigaDos 2.0 or greater PointerEyes4.3 : AmigaDOS 3.0 or above screennotify.library 1.0 (included)(optional on v4.x) MagicWB is also recommended @{"Send me a postcard" Link "CONTRIBUTIONS"}. Beta Testers: Very special thanks go to all the people on the #amiga channel on IRC who helped out with the beta testing and those who kept leaving me mail with suggestions and testing results. Distribution: Pointer Eyes V4.3 and V3.11 are Postcardware. As long as all of the archive stays intact and unmodified, Pointer Eyes may be distributed anywhere. I have released: WBMakeLink - Menu in WB tools menu which makes links to files and drawers, and makes an icon for them. @EndNode @EndNode @Node "CONTRIBUTIONS" "Contributions" @{b}Postcardware@{ub} PointerEyes is @{i}Post Cardware@{ui}. If you use PointerEyes, please send me a post card of your country or city. Of course I will take any type of donations. @{i}Send to:@{ui} John Hughes 901 Highview Rd. East Peoria, IL 61611 USA @{i}And even if you don't use PointerEyes, or don't like it, please send me EMail telling me why. Thanks. :)@{ui} @EndNode @Node "INSTALL" "Installation Instructions" @{b}INSTALLATION:@{ub} @{i}It's SIMPLE!@{ui} 1) If you have AmigaDos 2.0 or 2.1, open the PointerEyes3.11 drawer. If you have AmigaDos 3.0 or greater, open the PointerEyes4.3 drawer. 2) Just double click on the "Install" icon. 1) Just drop it in your WBStartup directory or anywhere else you want. The settings for Pointer Eyes are stored in it's Workbench icon. 2) Copy the PointerEyesImages directory to anywhere, I suggest you move it to the same place as the PointerEyes executable. 3) Make sure the EYESPICTUREFILE tooltype in the PointerEyes icon contains the full path and base name of the eye images to use. The default is PROGDIR:PointerEyesImages/OriginalEyes. 4) Copy libs/screennotify.library to LIBS: @EndNode @Node "SYNOPSIS" "Synopsis" @{b}What is Pointer Eyes?@{ub} PointerEyes places a pair of eyes on the title bar of the public screen of your choice. The eyes will look at your pointer as you move it around the screen, periodically blinking, rolling, or going to sleep when you don't move the mouse for a while. It will also monitor all screens which it appears on and will close it's window if that screen is about to close, including Workbench, so that system preferences can be modified without the hassle of manually closing the eyes' window. You can also have the eyes follow you and jump from public screen to public screen. @{b}Why use Pointer Eyes?@{ub} o It's small. o It stays out of the way by staying on the title bar and can stay behind, in front, or float in the other window layers. o It enhances the appearance of any public screen. o If it is on the workbench screen, you don't have to quit Pointer Eyes everytime you change any system preferences so that the workbench screen will close. @EndNode @Node "CONTENTS" "Archive Contents" @{b}Archive Contents@{ub} Directory "Sebastian:PointerEyesV4.3&3.11" on Tuesday 14-Nov-95 v1.1.source.info 1238 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 libs.info 1238 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 Docs.info 1238 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 libs Dir ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 v1.1.source Dir ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 Docs Dir ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:51 PointerEyes4.3 Dir ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:49 PointerEyes4.3.info 1238 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 PointerEyes3.11 Dir ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 PointerEyes3.11.info 1238 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 5 files - 5 directories - 30 blocks used Directory "Sebastian:PointerEyesV4.3&3.11/libs" on Tuesday 14-Nov-95 screennotify.library 2608 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 1 file - 7 blocks used Directory "Sebastian:PointerEyesV4.3&3.11/v1.1.source" on Tuesday 14-Nov-95 SCoptions.info 2954 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 PointerEyesV1.1.c.info 486 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 PointerEyes.Images.info 509 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 Makefile.gcc.info 509 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 SCoptions 146 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 PointerEyesV1.1.c 15981 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 PointerEyes.Images 8092 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 Makefile.gcc 295 ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:50 8 files - 67 blocks used Directory "Sebastian:PointerEyesV4.3&3.11/Docs" on Tuesday 14-Nov-95 PointerEyes.guide.info 2084 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:51 PointerEyes.guide 33763 ----rwed Today 22:56:45 2 files - 73 blocks used Directory "Sebastian:PointerEyesV4.3&3.11/PointerEyes4.3" on Tuesday 14-Nov-95 PointerEyesImages.info 1233 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 PointerEyes.info 2227 ----rw-d Today 22:49:50 PointerEyes.icon2.info 1926 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 Install.info 1932 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 PointerEyesImages Dir ----rwed 01-Nov-95 23:32:49 PointerEyes 21444 ----rwed Today 22:48:39 Install 3099 ----rwed Today 22:40:02 6 files - 1 directory - 73 blocks used Directory "Sebastian:PointerEyesV4.3&3.11/PointerEyes4.3/PointerEyesImages" on Tuesday 14-Nov-95 OriginalEyes.11 1284 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 DiamondEyes.11 2500 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 RedYellowEyes.11 4956 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 OriginalEyes.8 954 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 ShadedEyes.13 5818 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 OriginalEyes.13 1504 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:48 MagicWBEyes.13 3994 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:49 MagicWBEyes.8 2452 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:49 MagicWBEyes.11 2878 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:49 ShadedEyes.8 3636 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:49 ShadedEyes.11 4956 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:49 11 files - 83 blocks used Directory "Sebastian:PointerEyesV4.3&3.11/PointerEyes3.11" on Tuesday 14-Nov-95 Install.info 1932 ----rw-d 01-Nov-95 23:32:49 PointerEyes.info 1840 ----rw-d Today 22:50:18 PointerEyes 21428 ----rwed Today 22:01:55 Install 1985 ----rwed Today 22:40:40 4 files - 58 blocks used TOTAL: 37 files - 6 directories - 391 blocks used @{b}Why are two icons supplied?@{ub} Use whichever icon you like best. One was designed to be used with MagicWb, and the other is just a four color icon. @EndNode @Node "IMAGEFILES" "How to Edit/Add image files" @{b}You may add/edit the image files!@{ub} So now you can have your own eye image, lets be creative. :) The image files are loaded via the datatypes.library, so you may save the images in any graphic format, as long as you have the datatype files for that format. (ie. ILBM, JPEG, GIF, PICT, etc.) I recommend saving them as ILBM files for speed efficiency. You may have multiple sets of image files in the same directory. Image files have a base name, followed by a period (.) and a height. For instance, the base name for "OriginalEyes.11" is OriginalEyes, and it contains eyes images that are 11 pixels high. Each image file must contain 22 pictures lined up vertically. There are no size or color restraints, so your images can be any height and width, and have any number of colors. When PointerEyes loads an image file, it remaps the colors to best match those of the current public screen, and if there are any free pens on the screen, it may use them. IMPORTANT: Be sure the EYESPICTUREFILE tooltype points to the directory and base image filename to use. ( Ex. PROGDIR:PointerEyesImages/OriginalEyes ) @EndNode @Node "SCREENNOT" "About screennotify.library" screennotify.library 1995 Stefan Becker Screennotify.library patches some OS functions and allows programs to be notified when screens are about to be closed, therefore letting tasks close their windows on public screens which are going to be closed. This feature SHOULD have been emplemented in AmigaDos 2.0, but when have we known C= to do things that their customers liked? (sarcasm) screennotify.library may not be distributed without permission from Stefan Becker ... stefanb@yello.ping.de Thanks go to Stefan Becker for allowing me to include the library with the distribution of Pointer Eyes. @{i}screennotify.library can be found on aminet as util/libs/ScreenNotify10.lha and contains info for programmers.@{ui} @EndNode @Node "PREFSWINDOW" "Preferences Window" @{b}Preferences Window@{ub} In order to use the Preferences Menu option, You must have AmigaDos 3.0 or greater. All this does is opens the workbench tooltypes window for the Pointer Eyes icon. If you have at least AmigaDos 2.0 or greater, you may at any time modify the PointerEyes tooltypes from WorkBench. The icon is monitored so when changes are saved, Pointer Eyes will load the new settings. @{i}For more information, see @{" Tooltypes " Link "TOOLTYPES"}.@{ui} @EndNode @Node "TOOLTYPES" "Tooltypes" @{b}Description of the icon tooltypes@{ub} The following are the tooltypes in which Pointer Eyes gets its settings from when it is started. The tooltypes can be marked out so that they are not defined by placing parenthesis around the keyword. For example (LOCKED). LOCKED If this tooltype exists, the Pointer Eyes window will not be dragable, and it will always remain behind all other windows on the public screen. BACKPEN= (not supported in version 4.x yet) A pen # or AUTO. This is the pen number of the background color. If it is set to AUTO, the background color will match the title bar's color. EYEPEN= (not supported in version 4.x yet) A pen # or AUTO. This is the pen number of the eye color. If it is set to AUTO, the eye color will match the title bar's text color. FOLLOWSCREEN= The eyes can jump to the frontmost screen if it is public, the current active screen if it is public, or the eyes can sit still on their current public screen and go nowhere. Options are: FALSE, FRONTMOSTSCREEN, and ACTIVESCREEN WINDOWLAYER= The eyes can stay above all windows on the screen, behind all windows on the screen, or float at any level. Options are: FLOAT, BACK, FRONT XCOORD= This is the horizontal position of the window on the screen in pixels. YCOORD= This should be either CENTERINTITLE or a numerical value. If it is CENTERINTITLE, the Pointer Eyes window will be centered vertically within the title bar, otherwise the numerical value is used as the vertical position of the window on the screen in pixels. EYESIZE= This is the size of eyes to use. Options are: AUTO, SMALL, or BIG. The small eyes are 8 pixels high and the big eyes are 11 pixels high. If set to AUTO, the size of the titlebar will be checked. PUBLICSCREEN= Enter the public screen name in which you want Pointer Eyes to appear on. The default is the Workbench screen. Ex. PUBLICSCREEN=Workbench If Pointer Eyes is not able to open a window on the public screen specified, it will default to the Workbench Screen. INDEPENDENTEYES= If this tooltype exists, the eyes will both move independently from each other. The default is to move dependently. MICROSECUPDATE= The number of microseconds which should pass before the eyes should be updated. The default is 70000, .07 seconds. SLEEPDELAY= The number of seconds of no mouse movement which will cause the eyes to go to sleep. Default: 15 EYESPICTUREFILE= The base name of the series of picture files to use. Default: OriginalEyes USESCREENNOTIFY= Specifies whether or not to use screennotify.library. Default: TRUE @EndNode @Node "DEFAULTS" "Default Settings" @{b}Default Settings@{ub} Follow Frontmost Screen Automatic Eye Size Eyes are Always behind other Windows Center Eyes in Titlebar Window is not locked in its position Horizontal Position is 450 pixels Update eyes every 70000 microseconds (.07 seconds) Eyes go to sleep every 15 seconds. EyesImages: PROGDIR:PointerEyesImages/MagicWBEyes Do use screennotify.library @EndNode @Node "FEATURES" "Features" @{b}Pointer Eyes Features@{ub} o All settings are saved and loaded from the icon @{" Tooltypes " Link "TOOLTYPES"}. o The background color and eye color are automatic allowing it to look as though the eyes are attached to the screen's title bar or you can choose it's colors. (not supported in version 4.x yet) o The eyes can be auto-centered on the title bar or be located anywhere on the screen. o The eyes can be any size and have any number of colors. (version 4.0+ only) There are two eye sizes (8 and 11 pixels tall). (version 3.10) You may choose between the sizes, or let the program determine which best fits your public screen title bar. o You can choose the public screen in which Pointer Eyes appears on. o If the mouse isn't moved for a while, the eyes will go to sleep, and periodicaly peek out at you. o The eyes will blink at random intervals. o The eyes are rolled periodically. o Allowings the WB screen to be closed/reopened if system preferences are changed, or for any other reason. o Monitors screens using screennotify.library, so that public screens can safely be closed when the eyes are on that screen. o You can lock the window in place so you don't accidentlly grab it. o The eyes can stay behind, in front of all windows, or just float. o The eyes can follow you around to the front most or active public screen. o It's a Commodity. o Low task priority of -2, so it doesn't get in the way of other tasks. o datatypes.library support. (Version 4.0+ only) o User defined eye images.. Make your own eyes!!! :) o Small code. @EndNode @Node "QUITING" "How to quit Pointer Eyes" @{b}How to Quit Pointer Eyes@{ub} Three ways: 1. Click on the eyes with the left mouse button. Select Quit from the pulldown menu. 2. Send Pointer Eyes a CTRL-C. 3. From the Commodities Exchange program, select Pointer Eyes in the listview, and click on the Remove gadget. @EndNode @Node "TODO" "Things to do in the future" @{b}Things to do in the future@{ub} Move to California and work in a CGI film effects studio. Any offers? :) @{i}If you have any suggestions or coments about Pointer Eyes, please send them to: johughes@heartland.bradley.edu@{ui} @EndNode @Node "SOURCECODE" "Source Code" @{b}Source Code@{ub} I am including the source code for version 1.1 of Pointer Eyes with this program to encourage people to write and release programs for Amiga computers. As all programmers should know, there is no one way to write a program, so if you are a beginning programmer, do not think that this source code demonstrates the proper way of making this program work. It is simply one alternative way. There are always better ways of doing things. @{i}You may not distribute the source code or any binary compiled from the source code if it is altered.@{ui} However, all you have to do is send the modifed code to me, tell me what you changed, and I will add it to my most recent version of Pointer Eyes. @{i}You will receive full credit in the documentation for any modifications which are used.@{ui} This is to spare people from confusion of which Pointer Eyes is the newest and which one contains the most/best modifications. @{b}Why not include the current version of the source code?@{ub} There are several reasons. It only took me a few days to write the code for the first version. Yet, this version has taken me several weeks to complete. In order to keep the size of the final binary code to a minimum, I almost completely rewrote the program and optimized it. This means that the code is much more complicated than the first version. The main reason for including the source code is to show how simple it can be to program the Amiga, and to encourage people to write programs for it. This version of the source code would probably scare many people away unless they knew alot about Amiga programming. @{b}What can I use to compile the source code?@{ub} The source code was written in C using @{" SAS/C 6.51 " Link "SASC"}. However I gave the source code to friend, Gunther Nikl, who uses @{" GCC " Link "GCC"} and he added support to the source code so that it would be compilable using GCC. This was added because SAS/C is an expensive compiler and many people have chosen to use GCC. The source may also be compilable with @{" DICE C " Link "DICEC"} , although this has not been extensively tested. @EndNode @Node "SASC" "SAS/C Compiler" @{b}Using SAS/C to compile Pointer Eyes v1.1@{ub} SAS/C 6.00 should be able to compile this source code just fine, however this has not been tested. To compile with SAS/C: 1. Have SAS/C installed on your Amiga. 2. Copy SCoptions, PointerEyesV1.1.c, PointerEyes.Images and their icons into an empty directory. 3. Put at least the "Build" icon into the same directory. 4. Double click the new "Build" icon. This will read the SCoptions file to see how to compile the source code and then the compiling will begin. When the compiling is complete, the executable will be created in the same directory. 5. A warning will occur. This is because I have placed an image in the Pointer Eyes menu instead of text on the 2nd line. The compiler is expecting a type of (unsigned char *), but gets an (struct Image *). This is NO BIG DEAL and is fine. @EndNode @Node "GCC" "GCC Compiler" @{b}Using GCC to compile Pointer Eyes v1.1@{ub} The gcc package can be found on Aminet or in the distribution of gcc2.6. Currently gcc is not able to place data in chip memory with a "__chip" command but the linker of v2.6 can force the whole data section into chip memory. You can also use a utility such as PowerPacker to force the data section into chip memory. Note: If you want to compile the program with small-data you need gcc2.3.3 because all later versions have problems with small-data, but large data works fine. @{i}Thanks go to Gunther Nikl for adding GCC compatibility to the source code.@{ui} @EndNode @Node "DICEC" "DICE C" @{b}Using DICE C to compile Pointer Eyes v1.1@{ub} To get Pointer Eyes v1.1 to compile in DICE C, a change to the source code was made. This change was due to the fact that DICE C wants the __chip keyword before the UWORD, whereas @{" SAS/C " Link "SASC"} wants it after the UWORD, and @{" GCC " Link "GCC"} doesn't even except the __chip. DICE C: __chip UWORD Crosseddata[] = { ... }; SAS/C: UWORD __chip Crosseddata[] = { ... }; GCC: UWORD Crosseddata[] = { ... }; Since __chip isn't accepted, the whole data segment must be placed in chip memory. @EndNode @Node "BUGS" "Bugs" @{b}Bugs@{ub} Thanks go out to all those who reported bugs to me. I haven't found any bugs yet, however no program is bug free. Please keep me informed of any bugs that you find. E-Mail: johughes@heartland.bradley.edu @EndNode @Node "HISTORY" "History" @{b}History@{ub} I think that the concept of having a pair of eyes on the screen was first introduced on the Macintosh. However I am not sure about this. Another possibility is unix XWindows. PointerEyes was inspired by a program called FollowMouse by Kamran Karimi, which I believe was written in 1991. But since that was an old program, it was not suited for AmigaDOS 2.04 or greater. It also contained many features that I found to be unpleasant. I believe that all of this has been taken care of in my version of the program. I wanted Pointer Eyes to be much more transparent to the user, therefore, the eyes can be automatically placed centered vertically in the public screen's title bar, with it's background color being the same as the title bar. Also, if Pointer Eyes is on the Workbench screen and the user decides to change any system preferences which need to close the Workbench screen and reopen it, PointerEyes will temporarily close it's window automatically. v1.0 July 7, 1994 First Version. This was written in just a few days. v1.1 July 12, 1994 /* This version is released as @{" source code " Link "SOURCECODE"} with all versions since v2.0 */ Minor Bug: Added CTRL-C detection. Bug found by Gunther Nikl. Minor Bug: Forgot to set the Priority back to its original value. before exiting. Bug found by Gunther Nikl. Minor Bug: Added newlook menus for dos3.0.Bug found by Gunther Nikl. v2.0 August 7, 1994 Now runs correctly under AmigaDos 2.04. Added ability to save and load setting to your icon @{" Tooltypes " Link "TOOLTYPES"}. Added "Reset to Defaults","Last Saved","Center in Title Bar", "Auto Background","Background Color","Auto Eye Color","Eye Color", "Eye Size" Menus. Reduced CPU load. Major Bug: Pointer Eyes will now correctly figure out what pen #'s to use for the colors. Or the user can define them manually. Bug first noticed by Ludwig Kamphenkel. The eyes are now outlines instead of solid. There are now small eyes for small title bar fonts, and larger better looking eyes for bigger title bar fonts. Minor Bug: Forgot to set the Priority back to its original value. before exiting. Bug found by Gunther Nikl Minor Bug: Added CTRL-C detection. Bug found by Gunther Nikl. Minor Bug: Added newlook menus for dos3.0.Bug found by Gunther Nikl. Added more images for the eyes for smoother eye movement. Major Bug: Now makes sure it checks the WB screens title bar font instead of just the default public screen's. Added ability to put Pointer Eyes on any public screen. Included AmigaGuide format documentation. Proofread by Micheal Hatch. v2.1 August 22, 1994 Major Bug: Pen numbers are now loaded correctly for the @{" tooltypes " Link "TOOLTYPES"}. Bug found by J. G. Brandon. $VER string was corrected. Compiled the code using register parameters. v3.0 October 17, 1994 The eyes now will jump to no other screen, the front most public screen, or the current active public screen. The eyes will stay behind, in front, or just float in the window layers. Added @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"} FOLLOWSCREEN. Added @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"} WINDOWLAYER. Completely removed the pulldown menus. If you have @{" MUI " Link "MUI"}, you can use an @{" MUI " Link "MUI"} preferences window, otherwise you must use the tooltypes. Eyes follow frontmost screen is now the default. This version took about 1 week to write. v3.1 October 28, 1994 Separated MUI preferences into a seperate executable. Prefs progam can run "in-sync" with PointerEyes program. When you select a gadget, the Eyes are immediately altered. Added menus to PointerEyes program. You can now select any pen # for the colors. This has slowed jumping from screen to screen Because of 8 planes. :( Eyes can now move independently from the other. This was requested by many people, however I don't like it, so it isn't the default. :) Added @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"} INDEPENDENTEYES. Online menu help is available. Press the HELP key when highlighting a menu item. It is now a Commodity. This version was not released. :( v3.2 February 1, 1995 Lost source code to seperate MUI preferences file. :( Monitor the PointerEyes icon for tooltype changes. Changes will take place when the icon is saved. Preferences menu now loads the icon information for Dos 3.0+ users. Bug Fix: Sometimes the window was not centered properly. Fixed possible lockup when moving window and it wasn't centered properly. Now locks IntuitionBase when looking at its structure. This version was also not publicly released. v3.3 March 6, 1995 I now use Wait() for all signals instead of SetSignals(). This should reduce CPU usage at times. Because I use Wait(), the timer.device is now used instead of Delay(). Commented out the source code for the message port which was used for the external preferences program which is no longer in existance. Bug Fix: Window was not being centered properly when the eye size changed. Bug Fix: When the eyes jump from screen to screen, AUTOEYESIZE is not active, and DONTCENTERINTITLEBAR is active, the window is now placed at the same coordinates they were at on the previous screen. Bug Fix: It was impossible to drag WB icons when there was more that one PointerEyes program running. This is because each eyes window was constantly calling WindowToBack() to be in the back all of the time. This problem still occurs when the user has the eyes stay in the foreground though. Added @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"} MICROSECUPDATE. No longer locks IntuitionBase when looking at its structure, since we just look at the frontmost or active screen. Bug Fix: Hotkey now toggles whether or not the eyes are displayed. Bug found by Simon Stelling. Removed AUTOEYESIZE tooltype, and added AUTO as a value for the EYESIZE @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"}. v3.4 March 26, 1995 Eyes now blink when you activate the Eyes window. Suggested by Martin Axelsson Removed AUTOBACKPEN and AUTOEYEPEN tooltypes, and added AUTO as a value for the BACKPEN and EYEPEN @{" tooltypes " Link "TOOLTYPES"}. Bug Fix: Tried closing window when the window was already closed when the user selected Inactive in the Commodities Exchange program. Found by Simon Stelling Bug Fix: The Eyes window was being blanked out when a menu item was selected. v3.5 April 9, 1995 Bug Fix: The eyes no longer flicker when the user de/activates the window. Removed a stray Delay() that should have already been removed. Therefore I set the default Microseconds up to 70000. Now uses screennotify.library. I have neglected to patch any of the system functions intentionally all this time. But screennotify.library seems to be relatively stable, and it isn't my fault if it crashes :) I guess that is my justification for using it. :/ Removed env: notification, since it now uses screennotify.library. Bug Fix: Crashed the computer when 'Inactive' was selected from the Commodities Exchange program. I actually accidentally fixed the bug. Bug Fix: Wouldn't work from CLI. Can now be run from CLI and the tooltypes can be used as arguments. For example: dh0:> PointerEyes XCOORD=450 EYESIZE=AUTO Removed the CENTERINTITLE tooltype, and added CENTERINTITLE as a value for the YCOORD @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"}. v3.6 April 23, 1995 A requester will now appear if screennotify.library isn't found. Bug Fix: Removed enforcer hits when checking to see if the window is in the back. Bug Fix: YCOORD=6 wouldn't place the eyes on line 6, they would always be centered. This is now fixed so the eyes will appear at whereever the line # is. Bug found by Simon Stelling. Fixed documentation mistake. The default microseconds is 70000. Found by Simon Stelling. Bug Fix: If the eyes are set to stay on one screen only, they now will open on the WB screen when their screen closes, or they will wait for the WB screen to open. Bug found by Simon Stelling. v3.7 May 29, 1995 Ooops!!!! Something went wrong in the lha'ing of version 3.6 and I still uploaded it to aminet. Sorry. :( v3.8 June 9, 1995 Bug Fix: The pulldown menu is now the correct color. Bug Fix: Eyes window wasn't being reopened after wb screen close/opened. Added @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"} EYESPICTUREFILE, which allows the user to choose how many seconds of no mouse movement will cause the eyes to go to sleep. v4.0 June 12, 1995 AmigaDos v3.0 is required because of datatype support and AllocBitMap(). Datatype support for user defined eye images. The eyes can be any size and have any number of colors. BltBitMapRastPort() is now used instead of DrawImage(). Added EYESPICTUREFILE tooltype. Installation script now included! Eye ILBM files included: OriginalEyes (sizes: 8,11,13) ShadedEyes (sizes: 8,11,13) MagicWBEyes (sizes: 8,11,13) RedYellowEyes (sizes: 11) v4.1 July 5, 1995 Major Bug Fix: I didn't ReplyMsg() when OpenWBScreen() was called and the WB screen was already opened. Finally!!! Typo in documentation. FOLLOWMOUSE is now FOLLOWSCREEN. screennotify.library is now not required, but used if available. Added @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"} USESCREENNOTIFY, which specifies whether or not to use screennotify.library. v3.9 July 5, 1995 As with version 4.1: Major Bug Fix: I didn't ReplyMsg() when OpenWBScreen() was called and the WB screen was already opened. Finally!!! This is a bugfix update to version 3.8 which is for AmigaDos 2.0+ users. v4.2 & v3.10 October 3, 1995 Postcardware version. This version is Postcardware, which basically means that this software is public domain, and if you use it please send me a postcard of your country or your city. Changed the text that the About menu displays. Removed hotkey bug. The hotkey string was deallocated after it was found in some cases. (enforcer hit?) v4.2 & v3.10 RELEASE 2 October 8, 1995 Fixed a typo in the installer scripts which caused the docs to not be installed. Did a few other minor changes in the installation scripts. Sorry this release was delayed, due to problems with aminet. v4.3 & v3.11 November 14, 1995 Added some more screennotify support. AddPubScreenClient(). This should solve the problems with a screen closing in a couple of programs such as Term. Removed a couple of harmless enforcer hits. I think they were removed. @EndNode